Thank you for helping to nurture brigher tomorrows!
This year's Tanzanite Nights was all about nurturing brighter tomorrows for our children in Tanzania-and that's exactly what you did! Thanks to your support, we had our best year ever, bringing in over $150,000 for our operations in Tanzania.
Because of you, our nearly 400 students can continue to study in a top-ranked school with more school supplies, better books, and new uniforms. Our 56 residential girls, including Leticia and Salome, are becoming stronger, more empowered young women. Hundreds of families are better able to provide for themselves by leading healthy lives and knowing how to better utilize their land thanks to JBFC’s permaculture techniques. And, most exciting, all of these things are going to happen in an entirely new community in rural Tanzania as we open JBFC’s second campus.
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